Johnny Walker: In-Sync branding at its best

Back in the day, when I was working at Hal Riney & Partners – this type of brilliant, in sync film-making would have seemed more the norm than the exception. But today it is simply shocking to see the power of storytelling and visual messaging so masterfully used to communicate a brand’s authenticity.

There’s no question that the execution here is flawless: the casting, the direction, the mood, music, lighting, etc. but what’s thrilling is that the engine that drives this story is the brand’s authentic heritage and iconography.

In a recent article when discussing Johnny Walker, journalist Sam Barclay states that “people are willing to pay more for provenance”. Here here!

It’s a pity that many of today’s brands spend more time giving us nonsensical entertainment disguised as messaging vs. finding their own stories and bringing them artfully to life. Anyone for back to romancing the brand?